Friday, October 29, 2010

Notes on 'Elapse'

If you haven't read my story, please don't read this post. I don't really want to influence your critique/initial impression of my story. For those of you who have, these were just the general notes I was basing my story on.

  • Setting: Post-apocalyptic, not modern-age (medieval)
  • Themes: Seasons, emotions, reversal
  • Plot: Main character travels post-apocalyptic world, emotions related with seasons
  • Characters: Nameless Protag, animal, child
  • Nameless Protag: maimed, gender undeclared, merchant
  • blind, mute, anger issues | soldier, healer/doctor, blacksmith
  • Animal: not-dog, panther, female, highly protective, Gwen
  • carrier pigeon, magical hamster, cow, wolf, fox, leopard, bear, penguin | Bojangles, Vampirella, Esmeralda, Cat, Jasmine, Georgina, Spot, Lion, Adeline, Fiona, Boogiana, Uno, Fuzzy, Mr. Cookie, Isabella, Jacqueline, Poindexter, Socks, Yale, Cauldren
  • Child: orphan, female, agoraphobia (minor), survivor, Avery
  • pickpocket, street rat, noble's child | male that looks female, female that looks male | Devon, Jordan, Taylor, Asia, Europe
  • Spring - Hometown, Road: world ends, despair
  • Interlude - Road, perspective: panther 3rd
  • Summer - Road: find companions, contentment
  • Interlude - Large city, perspective: child 1st
  • Fall - Plains (that are like desert): find family, happiness
  • forest, desert
  • Interlude - Mountains, perspective: child and panther 3rd
  • perspective: protagonist 3rd
  • Winter - Mountains: lose family, reflection and hope

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