Thursday, October 28, 2010


That's what I kind of feel like right now. I really need to get my brain working, because I REALLY RATHER NOT BE UP RIGHT NOW BUT I NEED TO FINISH MY CREATIVE WRITING. QUICK POST, ZING.

But seriously, I sometimes feel like I'm just drowning in life, and no matter what I do, how hard I struggle, the waves are just gonna pull me down. I guess this can be applied as either to general life or to specific mundane things - well, I'd hardly consider sleep mundane, but I digress.

Actually, let's start with that. Right now, I don't feel like I'm in a limbo but rather more like I'm drowning. Drowning because waves of sleep are pounding, crashing against my consciousness, screaming at me to go freaking get some real sleep, not those pansy naps. Drowning because despite my efforts to the contrary and cranberry juice, its just not enough to ward off the state of semi-asleep I'm in, like a swimmer out of energy whose kind of just flailing his arms in vaguely effective manners to claw to the surface before being dragged under once again by SLEEP. It's a bit ridiculous actually. And even though I'm barely maintaining my grasp on consciousness, the constant war to not droop, to not rest my head on table/laptop/cup of cranberry juice, it doesn't matter because my sense of thought has long been shot. Coherence? Not when I'm tired, damnit, come back later. BUT ACTUALLY COME BACK NOW BECAUSE I REALLY NEED YOU RIGHT NOW. Occasionally, some random music track plays that momentarily energizes me - but any attempt to arrange certain tracks to come on to do so fail because I'm already anticipating the songs and I think its just the initial recognition of the song that briefly elevates me from primordial ooze to a humanoid sludge.

It's annoying because I know that if I didn't waste all my conscious (well, as conscious as I get anyways) time OCDing over minor stuff, I'd probably be done and just needing proofreading/edit work. But now, I'm stuck in a state of incompleteness, where I'm tempted to reread and reread and OCD more but I can't but I need to but I really can't if I want to sleep. I'm just going to cut this post short because I'm feeling a draft of thought coming and I need that for my story.

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