Wednesday, September 8, 2010

ABP#01: [Truth, What is it?]

Assigned Blog Post 01 - The Truth Goes (Where?)

There is truth within deceit, for the two are entwined, bound, inseparable. There cannot exist shadow without light, light without shadow, and truth and deceit is much the same. Two halves of a whole, that cannot exist without its counterpart, that cannot be unbalanced. The world is not black and white, you see, because such a world would just be so awfully drab. No, the world is the radiant splendor of the full spectrum, from red to violet, vivid in colors and beauty, all sorts of colors that cannot be objectively qualified as truth or lie. We paint stunning paradises of limitless grandeur, design objects that dream to break physics, create the impossible, and fiction is much the same. Accentuate, explicate, delve and explore, change and bend what is truth to something new, something amazing, because that’s what it is. Fiction is the canvas of our mindscape, where we tweak the ironclad rules of reality and take off, journeying far beyond mere stars. In the end, fiction is neither pure truth or lie, but the shadow cast by light, something unreal forged through inspiration from the real. Fluorescent green is little different from yellow, after all (the minor detail is the suit), and surrealization of the mundane is all too common within this lair of words. A protagonist is more than a mere creation, for it is ourselves adapted to the fresh world we create. Truth, reality. Some of us seek flight, like the wingless bird that always dreamed. Others seek enlightenment, the ever-traveling vagrant without purpose with naught but a life of devotion to spare. Our works reflect the beaten path of the wizened savant, or the glorious phoenix that arises from the ash – inspiration for both the grounded and the soaring.
Also, have a cookie if you can list off what [insert derp variant] is replacing in all my title names

1 comment:

  1. what a fresh view! i really agree that fiction isn't truth or lie--it's a bit of both. like a salad? idk how that got in there. but fiction is NOW A SALAD OF TRUTH AND FALSENESS. now we need some dressing.
