Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Lank and Clank

The character description activity we did in class was pretty fun, so I'm gonna try it again... with fictional people because its infinitely less awkward for me to do so. Derp.

The first word that really described him was lanky. And perhaps that was understating just HOW lanky he was. A thin, wiry frame slouched over in a perpetual sloop made him seem shorter than he really was, almost hunchbacked really, and coupled with the ridiculous hat and suit he was wearing, would have made him look like someone you might see out of London during the Renaissance... except for the bright flamboyant colors of his suit. Flamboyant is what the man was wearing, because no other word really fits (bright, colorful don't even come close). You highly doubt that neon green was the norm back then, and even now, off the top of your head, you certainly can't think of any store that stocks such an eye-searing monstrosity. Perhaps he found it in a bargain bin? Which still begged the question of WHY anyone would make such a... you cut off that line of thought. Because you can feel a part of your shriveled husk of a soul cry out in agony and die a hideous death, because that green is just that soul-scarring. In any case, you know you aren't the only one gawking at the strangely suited man walking down 14th Street, and as a car whooshes past you, you hear a baffled child asking, "Momma, why is that man dressed that way?" In the end, the sheer ridiculousness of both girth and garment distracts you from observing any other details about the man before he parts way at a four-way intersection, leaving you and your fellow gawkers completely baffled and eye-sore. As you walk away, you start chuckling to yourself while sneaking covert glances at the distant blob of eye-scar... well, at least until you run into a pole because your eyes just won't tear themselves away. Ouch. Afterwards, the only thing you can remember about that half-hour period of time later is meeting a hunched over and faceless man with a neon-green suit... and you walking into a pole because you were so enthralled.

Done in notepad, so not proofread.

In other news, I am appalled by the lack of common sense in our religious/political leaders. Random current affairs ranting below.

-begin rant-

Going on a book-burning spree of the Koran is quite possibly the most ridiculous idea to combat Islamic extremists ever. "Let's warn extremists!... by burning the Islamic holy book which will actually infuriate pretty much every believer of Islam ever! And make more of them extremist! And join terrorist groups to shoot at our soldiers! And make our tenuous situation in Iraq and Afghanistan worse, because its not like the Arabs have a history of overreacting to affronts to Islam... oh wait that one Dutch thing. But that's fine, because then we'll sponsor more of these book-burnings to warn these extremists to back off, because oh no, there's more of them extremists now and terrorist activities are up! Because we have to show a strong image! Despite the fact that pretty much every major political power has been telling us not to, including people like the Vatican and other church leaders! And the US Attorney General and all! But we're still gonna do it, because we're right and we need to attack Islamic extremists!"


/end rant

1 comment:

  1. :)
    I liked the cs! The second person viewpoint was an interesting way of doing things. Maybe I'll try it sometime...?
    Keep up the good work. And thank you for the derp.
