Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Writing Life - CH1

Wow. My first thought upon finishing this chapter is - holy crap, this reminds me SO much of what I thought when I was writing my story. Complete with awesome second-person narrative and more metaphors than you can shake a stick at. The inchworm narrative was particularly good - guess that's why it's the assigned blog post prompt. Huh.

My second thought is that this is a bit overly poetic for the description of the writing process. Bit of a metaphor overload too - I can barely keep track of all my visualizations. Wheee, inchworm rabbi with ROCKS that can flyyyyyyyyy.

My third thought is that I like it anyways. "Why not shoot yourself, actually, rather than finish one more excellent manuscript on which to gag the world?" Brilliant.

And yes, I totally agree with "Who wants to offend the spirits that hands out such books?" Except mine is more like, "Holy crap, the inspiration, I HAVE DAA INSPIRATION... now I need to FINISH MY SHOWER SO I CAN WRITE THIS DOWN!!"

Also, I have no clue what most of these random references to other works are. :( Losing the impact here.

"The written word is weak." Except in my head, it's being spoken in a hilarious accent, so I was amused.

Stupid american metric system, why do we use feet? "nine-foot handsome face" made me think of faces made of feet. And that disturbs me a lot. Not alot.

Because movies cut way too much stuff out and leave less time for world building and more time for GUNZ AND FLASH.

I love the random hyphen between are-writing on page nineteen. YOU ARE-WRITING.

I chuckled at the image of a little spaceship made of words heading past Jupiter. But not Pluto. Because it's not a planet anymore.


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