Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Because Writing > Math

I really should be studying for my math test.


I've posted up a long-term personal project? thing that I'll be working on. No, it's not for the class, or for extra credit or anything. It's just another idea that I was contemplating when I was writing my short story but never fleshed out in time. Wasn't my second choice at the time either. But now it's like, HAMMER HAMMER HAMMER IN MY BRAIN, "WRITE MEEEEE." I've written more, but again, will be posting up in blocks. Mostly inspired from two of my favorite video games and pretty much every sentient technology fiction work ever.

I really want to write more. But it's 10:30. Math. T.T

I'll probably start posting up blocks of my revised story soon. And by soon, I mean like, not.

1 comment:

  1. at least write it down somewhere! otherwise you'll forget it and things will be le bad. the end.
