Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Putting 3 back in 3D

Has been busy with school, so to vent some frustrations, another drabble and a summation. And finally, 3rd person!

Jealous Husband Returns in Form of Parrot -Ahahaha, delightful story with the quirky little bird that nonetheless conveys emotions well, hilarious point-of-view and great imagery, was definitely amused by this short.


The shadows jumped at him, writhing darkness given sentience as they crawled in the peripheries of his vision. For the first time in his life, he wished he was an owl, just so he could swivel his head a full 180. A flicker, a flash, and he almost stumbled in his haste to face empty air.

"It was nothing, just an overactive imagination, an overactive imagination, an overactive imagination," he repeatedly mumbled to himself, a mantra to deceive not others but himself, repeating it as if he could make it happen so by just saying it.

He straightened himself, trying to hunch over, appear casual, but failing as his shoulders remained locked in place. And in that curious position of casual tenseness, he walked through the darkened corridor with a disaffected air that was betrayed by the slight tremor of his hands, the dilated pupils of his eyes. And the darting. The endless swiveling, darting, flickering of his eyes as they tried to fling themselves out of their sockets, rotating left and right and up and down and back and forth. Staring at the shadows with terrified concentration, as if something was going to hurl itself out of the inky blackness.

And then he felt a tremendous WHOOOSH as air was violently parted near his head, the sudden burst that overwhelmed all of his senses. Stumbling as his ears registered naught but a muffled screech, he made to right himself on the cold steel wall before recoiling in terror as the shadows around him erupted, flickering black flames that consumed all light and life for brief moments before they quieted.

"I'm not afraid, not afraid, not afraid, not afraid...!" A new mantra as he stepped back, wary eyes never ceasing their endless swivelling.


Tumbling violently to the floor as something clipped him on the shoulder, sliced a tear in his leather jacket, spinning him like a top in the hands of a toddler, his fall was transformed into something of a flailing roll jump.

"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, I don't...!" he screamed before yet another WHOOSH threw him straight into the embrace of the writhing mass of shadows, their frigid cold hands grabbing at his throat, his head, his hands, oh lord, tearing at him! Terror infused him as he tried to fend off those rending hands, claws, talons of murky nothingness and he got up and he ran. Ran, ran, ran. Blackness everywhere, ripping at him with their cold fangs, cold claws, cold talons as some dread, sadistic monster played with him, leaping past him, at him. He ran without stopping, fueled only by terror and desperation, as shadows came to life everywhere, the inky darkness that stretched, expanded, multiplied without end. Darkness that had so slowly crawled on walls and ceilings veritably exploded into vast stretches of nothing, hosting only-god-knows-what in them. So he ran. Ran in? Out? He could no longer tell, but he ran through endless abyss, as screeching shadows tore at him. Air split asunder as some fiend leapt to and fro around him, playing with him like a cat before pouncing on its meal. A carnival, with its main attraction, his fear.

He ran, screaming in abject terror until he saw naught but a glint of light. And then, only darkness.

1 comment:

  1. i really liked the carnival line--what a great way to describe the feeling! (not that it's a... good feeling. i'm a bit freaked out.) also, sound effects. they were good. :) they made things more visualize-able (not a word.... ops.), and sensory is just amazing with the word choice. good job! :)
