Friday, September 3, 2010

The First Derp

Creative writing... oh boy. Let's see if I can actually churn out something of quality this semester... considering my previous fail attempts at fiction writing. I always have all sorts of ideas for these things, but ehh, overplanning coupled with failure to implement and all that. As for writing, I'm one of those guys that really likes good plot/characters in video games. I have literally read the entire script of several games that I have no access to (people don't seem to do this as much anymore sadly >_>). From the ones I've played though, I compiled a shortlist of some of the games that have absolutely spectacular writing.

Persona 3 (PS2/PSP) - The plot in this game is so ridiculously amazing for the fact that it really does do a great job of "showing-not-telling." An easy-to-track time system allows the player to amuse over generic NPCs (for example, there's a mini-subplot throughout the game involving the role reversing of a one-sided stalk/crush that's completely optional but immensely amusing) and minor characters abound. And the amazing use of themes like the arcanas of tarots and life/death in general is thought-provoking and surprisingly deep. The game has great character development for even minor characters via the awesome Social Link concept. And the game's conclusion... ties together all the strings in such an amazing way that... yeah I'm rambling now, but the writing in this game is just great. And the game itself is addicting fun.

Narcissu side 2nd (PC)- Well okay, I guess this doesn't really count as a video game as it's a visual novel, but close enough. For those not in the know, a visual novel is... pretty much a book on the computer, plus graphics and audio. Some of them have choices, this one doesn't. The English translation of this is actually free (as is the source Japanese), so if you have time, I'd highly recommend searching it up and downloading it. This also includes the first Narcissu as well. The plot for this is straightforward and to-the-point, but the characters are developed extremely well. But even that pales to the sheer emotion that is invoked through the ridiculously amazing atmosphere created via word choice and all that. There's a lot of emotion invoked in this, and the tone/atmosphere of the story is just so amazingly well crafted that I have to nominate this.

SMT - Devil Survivor (NDS) - I seriously almost cried when I learned Atlus exploded earlier this week, SMT and Persona games gone? Heartbreaking, truly. Devil Survivor is an intense game, and is focused around the theme of survival which it accentuates repeatedly. And it has choices, and lots of them and plenty of thematic elements unique to (I believe) 5 completely unique routes in the game. The writing is top-notch and the setting was great for supplementing the feeling of hopeless idealism being crushed beneath mind-blowing fear... well, that and the ridiculously hard boss battles >_>

Other/Random/Runnerups?/Out of the abyss of my memory
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance - While seemingly childish, the story is ambiguous enough that one might feel like they're playing as the villain (seriously, the protaganist wants to force everyone to return to a world where they are all insecure/weak, ie, turn his brother back into a cripple. OKAYY.)
Yggdra Union - More blatant "what-is-right?" themes in here pretty much accentuates the feeling that the protag isn't exactly a shining saint herself. Props for giving the antagonists actual reasons to oppose you and actual character development, yay for dual-dimensional protags as well.
Fire Emblem - Not the new ones, just the original GBA one. Individual character conversations with each other fleshes your army out much more than the faceless drones controlled in most SRPGS.
BIOWARE - From what I've played of KOTOR, NWN, and a bit of Dragon Age... yeah. Just in general, pretty solid writing -.-

I'd have more if my dumb PS3 had backwards compatibility, because the PS2 has ridiculous numbers of great games I'd love to play more, but meh. And some games just aren't coming to me. Yeah. Longggg rambly first post, probably will be indicative of my writing. Herp derp.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed the first derp. (That sounds ridiculously awkward. ANYWAY.)

    You have a super super valid point--video games (well... RPG to be more specific) have AMAZING storylines (welll... some of them. Pokeman has lots to be desired. Doesn't that theme get like SUPER old? Yet it's still fun. Problem.) and I'm glad you were able to pick out what you like about them!

    And since you were able to pick out what you liked, you should be able to work them into your stories. Good luck! :)
